Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Technical Difficulties!

I know.... I know....!! It's been way to long since my last entry...last time I tried to update there was a problem uploading pictures, never worked, then I couldnt find my camera for a few weeks which resulted in having no pictures of the kids on Easter! Eventually I found the camera on the floor, way behind the computer desk, under all the cords ( thanks kids! ) & started taking pictures again...wknd @ the Lenarths the last wknd of our spring break...Shaylin in her new soccer cleats, Shaylins pop star hair & makeup from a party @ Justice, Shaylins butterfly and our hot wknd @ the beach. I know it all sound like its just Shaylin...kinda hard to take pictures of our bookworm aka Jesse. He did take his little nose out of the books to do some serious boogey boarding though! So I knew I needed to find sometime to update my blog, I didn't want my "Blog Mentor" to come home from her vacation & see that I still hadn't done anything yet! Yes, baby Gavin from the last entry is now 10 years old !!! Well, today was the day..Iwas on a mission to "get er done" & wouldnt ya know it, it still wont upload my photos !! Not sure whats goin on with that ( going to call my tech support) but one thing I am sure of is that I am exhausted after all those excuses !! So until next time friends....Love the Weavers


Begin to Breathe said...

Who knew you were so stinkin' funny!! Okay...I did, but I was just laughing so hard. Now that I think about might not be as funny to anyone else :)

I have to say I breathed a sigh of relief when I opened your page and saw yellow. So bright and cheery...and this meant that at least there had been activity of some sort!!

Are you up from you nap yet? I was equally tired just reading all the excuses you came up with...but they made for some good comedy.

So have you tried tech support yet. I hear there is a cute little blonde who answers, and definitely knows her stuff. Hopefully you can catch here between loads of laundry from her the way, her blog page is already done from Hawaii!

I think someone just called you out...and it wasn't to excercise, or do the DVR quick draw fast forward. know I love you and miss you.
