Monday, May 12, 2008

Mothers Day Wknd

Wow..what a wknd!!
The celebration started fri after school where we went to"DQ" 4 yummy blizzards & then 2 "Jose McCoys" 4 dinner.Yep,we had dessert b4 dinner!I got to sleep in until 8:45 sat morning when I was awakened with coffee & breakfast in bed! Shaylin made me a special plate 4 Mothers Day so I got to use that & had a poem from Jesse where he wrote about how much I love him & how I worry about his safety & how I cry when he gives me his hugs filled w/love! Bless their little hearts! I even got to work out after that which doesnt happen 2 often on a sat.
We headed up 2 Grannys after the soccer game that evening where Brynn,Robbie & Charlie were waiting for us.Aunti Lita had the great idea of putting a light up in the club house,so the kids played outside catching bugs & putting them in a jar.(which I just remembered we never let out..oops,sorry bugs!!)
My cousin Casey & his girlfriend Cat came up sat night also.Sunday my cousins Cambria,Tayler,Tiffany,Brittany,baby Gavin,Carley, Aunti Lala & her boyfriend Tom(who bbq-ed the shish-ka-bobs)YOU RULE TOM !! came up.It was a full house.It was a beautiful day, the kids ran around outside all day like maniacs & we sat around eating & laughing!! We had the best time & was sad 2 c the wknd come 2 an end.Cant wait till the next time!